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Updated: Dec 19, 2024

Humbird is certainly no stranger to gangster's. Al Capone passed through the area in 1928 on a trip with his caravan of gangsters from Chicago to Hayward WI. This prohibition era saw it's fair share of moonshiners, and speakeasies were rife during this period.

Speakeasies would often feature a locked door, with a small window at eye level, that was opened to exchange secret passwords for admission. So, imagine our amazement and excitement when we noticed our original basement door with a small window cut into it! Was 'The Humbird' a speakeasy back during prohibition? It stands a very good chance.

To access this door you would have to go to the rear of the property and down some stone steps, an ideal place to be hidden from any possible prying eyes. The opening has some gauze attached to it, which could have been to shield what lies behind the door when the window was opened.

The window has a slide back and forth slat, which has since been sealed with insulation foam by previous owners. This will certainly be a future project to remove to see if the window still functions.

A wonderful, interesting find on the property, with more history for us to delve into and research.



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